Friday, August 20, 2010

He's not romantic at all with me but has been with others.?

My boyfriend and I have been together for about five months. I really like him and enjoy being with him but he's not romantic..AT ALL! He's very sweet though. He's mentioned things he has done with ex-girlfriend that sound wonderful. I don't know at what point in their relationship he did these things. Am i expecting to much to soon? How can I encourage him to be romantic with out planning things myself or flat out telling him i need more?He's not romantic at all with me but has been with others.?
Tell him how it makes you FEEL when he mentions these things, such as ';I feel weird hearing about this nice romantic stuff you did for someone else';, or ';I feel kinda left out when I hear about that'; or whatever (just avoid the word 'hurt' when you tell your feelings to a guy - for some reason they can't take that word). Then listen. Don't get into long explanations, or ';why don't you's';. If he offers to do something for you, accept graciously . Try not to get manoeuvred into telling him exactly what to do, and let him find something himself. If he doesn't offer, pull back a little but don't be judgemental. He may figure it out later, or you may have to decide whether you can do without from this guy.

2 thoughts on how this may have come about: either he really is clueless about such things and got manipulated into doing them by the other girl or his mother was 'helping' him in his early dating days, or he misinterpreted something you said and thinks you don't like romantic manifestions.He's not romantic at all with me but has been with others.?
Well ask him to take you out to place that you think are like that and talk to the boy;鈥?/a>

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