Friday, August 20, 2010

How to get my ex girlfriend back?

Hi, my Ex girlfriend told me to be more Romantic and show more Affection and I was having a lot of difficulty and she though she would try and make me Jealous and she basically cheated on me because she started flirting and getting Cuddly with her Ex and I was getting Pissed and she ditched me to go watch Star Trek with her Ex because it's Mid Terms and we were on break and they had rooms open to watch Movies and I got really Jealous and I was starting to get really pissed but I calmed down and though for a few minutes and lately she's been a bit avoiding, doesn't look me in they eyes and only replays,'; ya '; or,'; k '; which I found really rude of her but it's normal because she was losing interest because I wasn't doing my Job as a boyfriend and showing her I cared as much as I would love too have and then at the second Exam break I was gonna ask her why she was doing but she said she was going to her locker and I said,'; Alright, I'll wait here '; and she never came back so I got really pissed and ended the relationship and the next day she was talking to my friend and my friend told me why she was doing it and she was just trying to make jealous so I'd show I cared more and tomorrow I'm going to talk to her about it and I was thinking of saying,'; (friend) told me why you were getting all cuddley with (person) on Monday, What you did was immature of you and you made me really disappointed in you and at one point I considered never talking to you and its not just the Daniel thing, it's the no eye contact and constant avoiding and led me to believe you were just leading me on to break up with you and that's what I did because I believed it was what you wanted '; and explain to her how I'm sorry I wasn't showing her as much affection as I'd love too and explain the little things that probably werent noticeable but ment everything to me and tell her how much I love her and how I'd give my life for her in a heart beatHow to get my ex girlfriend back?
If a girl needs to go that far to get attention, she has serious self-esteem issues. There is never any circumstance in which it is okay to cheat or get together with an ex to make your current jealous. Do not get back with her. Some girls are content with just knowing their man cares. They do not need constant reminders and that is the kind of girl you need. One with more confidence not only in herself, but in her feelings for you. Give yourself a break and leave yourself open to that kind of girl.How to get my ex girlfriend back?
You just answered your own question
Ya, that should work. That was just nasty of her though. I think that you want her back is proof enough that you care.
Become a millionaire or a movie star! She will come back to you in a MINUTE!
Actions speak louder than words, talk is cheap. Show her in everything you do that you are sincere and mature enough to deserve her.

However, if you two are playing games and trying to hurt one another, you are not ready for a relationship. If she is avoiding you, maybe you should cut her loose and see if she comes back to you. If she does then both of you need to work on the relationship and growing up and not hurting each other.

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