Monday, August 16, 2010

What do you do when a girl you hardly knew goes psycho on you?

Ok so I usually go out and enjoy a nice coffee in the early morning. Its kind of a tradition of mine to do this after my morning jog. And yes I meet many interesting friends and have a big social circle there that I enjoy touching base with.

When I meet girls randomly as one tends to do in such gatherings, I keep it friendly and casual. I always had a personal philosophy that if things are meant to be then they will be. So I never pressure anyone to enjoy my company and I expect the same in return. If I ever see a girl becoming detached to whatever the conversation is, I either change the subject or let her lead too, otherwise I give her a wide birth respectfully.

Lately I been having a problem with a girl I felt was becoming a cool hangout friend (no romantic involvement). She is 29 and seemed fairly relaxed and composed as until a few days ago. She saw me kissing at a niteclub and I casually glanced at her and waved a hello. She was with a few guy friends dancing at the time. Since then she gave me the cold shoulder. But on top of that when I asked her why the sudden indifference, she just barked at me a few heated words about what a bastard I am?!?!

Anyways things just escalated from there, I got her ex bfs giving me crap about what a snake I am, as irrational as I found those attitudes to be, she has been doing her earnest to ruin the trust I have with my existing girlfriends (non romantic) Thankfully I known alot of my girlfreinds for lot longer than her, and none of them are buying anything she is selling them. Which just makes her angrier and prank my phone non stop at night.

I really lost alot of respect for this girl now. I still dont know what she is so angry about. She would always tell me when we were on good terms, how she hated guys who would try to get in her pants pretending to be just her friend. Well I never for once thought of doing that with her and never disrespected her by hitting on her during our short friendship. So what gives? And how do I get her to stop disgracing herself and spreading lies?What do you do when a girl you hardly knew goes psycho on you?
She seems very insecure. A girl that does a 180 on you just because you were being affectionate with another girl is none of her business.

But as someone already said here. It has probably upset her because she thought you were better than a player. However still doesnt give her the right to be so hollier than thou. Im sure she will get over it. But yes she is very irrational. Some girls have their hearts set on a guy and would never say whats on their mind yet would rather play these games. They are worse for being so hypocritical, I bet she would not even of flinched if you were not what she desired secretly.What do you do when a girl you hardly knew goes psycho on you?
well she told you she hates players and she may have thought there was something between yall- misread some signals some how then sow you kiss that girl at the night club. Just try to explain it to her, some how i doubt it will help, because her mind is made up. But atleast your friends now she is a jealous female.

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